Thursday, February 17, 2011

I first made these in Vt. and they were DELICIOUS. Very rarely do I follow a recipe to the T, but this time I did, and it was well worth it!

I ran out of measuring cups, so reverted to measureable mason jars.

I wish I had a larger bowl to mix this all together.
The recipe calls for 1 lb of ground chuck, I ended up using 1.5 so had to alter the recipe accordingly.
Ranking of meatball funness:
(From most fun to least)
1. Eating
2. Mashing all the ingredients together
3. Rolling the meatballs
4. Smelling like garlic
5. Onion tears
6. Clean up

In VT one of the girls was a bona fide meatball baller.
In NY, mine were a little lopsided.
I like to caramelize the onions and garlic before I add them to the sauce.

Oh so very delicious!
Thanks to my co-chef Mel, well done!

1 comment:

  1. MY HANDS ARE FAMOUS! These meatballs are possibly one of my favorite apron and wine dining experiences yet. It was interactive and savory! TWO MEATY THUMBS UP!
