Thursday, December 2, 2010

Pizza Pizza!
While there are probably more than a thousand places in NYC to order pizza, I opted to spend my Wednesday evening making pizza from scratch, because, well, it was cold outside and I thought it would be fun. It was.
I used Emeril's pizza recipe I found online as a guide, and began making some dough.
Let it rise...
And as it rose, we ate...
Little did I know I could have served my friends Saint André with honey and they would have been happy.
Although I'm sure eating nearly a pound of a triple cremé cheese would make anyone happy.
On this particular evening we fit
6 snacking people
5 glasses of wine
4 personal pies
3 folding chairs
2 types of cheeses
1 camera man
Needless to say, space was tight so we had to use cabinets, laps, and the top of the refrigerator for space

I opted for sliced tomatoes over tomato sauce.
The pizza bar.

20 minute bake time = 20 minute dish time

Pizza is served!
While a little messy, it was a lot delicious.
Mangiare fino!

1 comment:

  1. Nice pizza that you did!:). Making pizza is fun, have to agreed on that. Rectangular shape is probably the best when you doing pizza at home.
